Burlap Sack Pillow

I found a burlap sack at a thrift store and just had a hunch that it would fit one of my pillows that I had at home.

I got this idea for a burlap pillow while walking with my sister in the Seattle neighborhood of Georgetown, which happens to have several thrift/antique stores.

So, you do not sew? Neither do I!  This is project idea is easy for anyone.  But if you do sew, then you can choose to sew the ends instead of securing it with grommets and ribbon.

To begin, head to your local craft store, like Michael's.  Find some fabric ribbon and grommets, similar to these: http://www.michaels.com/Snap-Together-Grommets/nw0956,default,pd.html?cgid=products-yarnandneedlecrafts-sewingnotions - size of your choice.

Determine where you'd like to place the grommets and mark with a permament marker.  I wanted to make sure they were equally spaced out on both sides of the burlap, so I used a tape measure.  Follow the directions on the package for how to secure them onto the burlap.  Then loop your ribbon through both ends of the grommet holes and tie a knot or bow.  And your project is complete! 

My dog, Wrigley, photo-bombed some of my pictures and since I think he is such a beautiful dog, I didn't bother moving him...


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