Baby Announcement Idea

If you are recently pregnant or had a baby, did you announce the initial news to your family and friends in a special way?  If you haven't looked lately, Pinterest is an amazing way to find ideas on really any subject and it's where I found the idea of the shoe picture.  Plus, the baby Nike shoes were my husband's so that made this idea more perfect.

My parents live about 2,000 miles away from me and my husband so I wanted to think of something slightly more creative than just telling them over the phone "hey, we are pregnant!" Mother's Day happened to be coming up and so for part of her gift, I mailed her a book of the famous song, "You are My Sunshine." My mom used to sing this to me all the time, so how appropriate!  I put the above picture just on the inside cover and wrote in the book, "I can't wait for you to read this to me in November 2013!"  I requested she wait to open it until we were on the phone together.  It took my parents a minute or so to piece it all together but the reveal ended up working out quite well!  

Later that weekend, we had my husband's family over to celebrate Mother's day and we used the same picture in a frame for his mom to open.  That also took everyone a couple minutes to really realize what was going on!  But it was so fun and special to announce this amazing gift to our families in a unique but low-key way.      


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